Friday, February 1, 2008

Missing pages of the yearbook...

Baru nyadar 2 halaman ini lupa di upload.. >.< terribly sorry for the inconvenience..

Hymne Regina Pacis
Kidung Puja Buat Guruku

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Another Berita Duka...

Telah Meninggal Dunia
Pak Hari... guru OR kita... T.T
jam 9 pagi hari ini,,,
Mohon bantu doanya ya...

Friday, December 14, 2007

Attention all Recisians 2007!!

Recis angkatan 2007

bagi yg belum ambil yearbook dan CD foto dari Lisbon (ini isinya photo session kita, bukan data yearbooknya), harap dateng ke recis tuk ngambil.

Hari Selasa, 18 December 2007
Jem 10 pagi...!!

Diforward2in yah,, hehe.. thx...

Panitia Yearbook 2007

Saturday, November 17, 2007

A Tribute for A Friend..

November 16th 2007,

we've lost our friend.. a good guy, a cheerful man in his own way.

Vivaldo Juliandri has passed away on November 16th, 2007 at 18:30..

He was part of us. He will always be..

Let us pray for him.. he is in a better place now..

May he rests in peace..

Aldo had been attending Regina Pacis since kindergarten. We've always known him as a quiet and cheerful guy. He was a good boy and friendly.

Aldo had his own special look that made him so recognizable. His thick beard and mustache made him looks unique and funny in a good way..

In high school, he was part of X-A class of 2005. Most of us knew that X-A put on a hilarious performance when some guys danced and wore balloons and everything, he was one of the guys whom confidently shook their body like crazy that day.. *I will never forget this though^^*... and later on the class performed a drama, with Aldo as the lead character. He confidently improvise his character and made the drama as memorable as the dance was..

I was also in the same class with him at that time. He was chosen as the class' mascot together with a girl *Ardel*.. For us, he was not only a mascot of this class, but he was the one who put us together, especially for X-A students. Without him, the class would not be as solid as it was back then, he was the glue that put the students together. Even though he looked shy and introverted, but when he was given the lead character of the drama, he was very brave to show off his talent to cheer people up. He jumped off the stage and just playing around with the audience. That day was amazing, and we were so grateful to have him as our friend.

Well, now that he has gone, we will always remember him and he will always be with us.

After this particular event that had just happened, we have to realize that life is so unpredictable. God has His own plan for us, so we just have to try to live our life to the fullest and be grateful for what we have.

May you rest in peace, dude.. We know that you are in a better place right now.

There he is, waving happily on the last row, right hand side.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Berita Duka

atas meninggalnya VIVALDO
16 November 2007

Monday, November 5, 2007

The Interrelation between Friends, Family, and Life.

This is our first collaborative essay that we’ve written “together”. The idea comes from my personal experience, but Mimi started to gather it into words first, and I just added bits and pieces here and there. So basically, it supposed to be that it’s Mimi’s first collaborative essay that she has written with me. Hahaha… In the process of making this article, it actually really made me think, reflect, and look back to what I’ve done in my life. As the result, here it is, the essay that has been written by two persons who have a different personality but live in the same thoughts and look at the magnificence in life from the same perspective. =)

Maintaining friendship and your relationship with family is not an easy thing to do. Especially, when you're studying somewhere away from your "comfort zone"... You tend to either always hang around with your buddies, or staying at home with mommy and daddy as much as possible when you get home. Creating a comfort zone is not an easy thing to do either, it takes months for you to be able to adapt and put some effort to trust and get to know new people. And if you already have created another comfort zone in your life, how could you easily give it up just for ridiculous reasons. I mean, isn’t that supposed to be that you’re not jumping from one zone to the other but try to maintain all of them so you could sense a “home atmosphere” wherever you go?

Some people say, Family is the greatest treasure in your life, some other says Friends are the greatest treasure in life.. Well.. they both are true.. We can't live without family and friends, but how are you going to balance them out? And talking about balance, it is important to balance everything in life, isn’t it? Balance your body and soul as well as your mind and your conscience. I mean, how can you say a person is mature when he even cannot show his mental and emotional maturity to the world? From my view, when the time for you to live alone has come, it’s time for you to be able to keep up with life. It’s like applying the “theories” of what you’ve learnt so far from your family to your own life and how you behave towards your surroundings.

Sometimes, at some parts in our life, we get carried on with our friends and forgetting our family, it happens most of the time, even though on some cases it was the other way around... So which one do you think is better to put on your priorities to? Friends, family, or both? Well, ideally it supposed to be both, but how could you really balance them both when the situation demands you to weight your friends more than your family or even the other way around? Does that mean that you are a defector for your family or friends? Or a betrayer for that matter? Well, I don’t think so. I think it’s just the matter of understanding and knowing which one is worth more in what situation since both of them are precious.

One of my friend told me that she has a friend who has given up on his friends for his family.. I mean, it’s just crazy. It’s ridiculous. How come you just give up on your friends just like that? Hello, family won't be around forever as well… and one day, you will just have to live your life alone without your family around… I hate to say this, but I know someday the time will come. And when it has come, how you will carry on living without having your friends beside you? Come on... Even my mom said it was crazy to give up on your friends… I know that family is important; they have a deep relationship and huge influences in your life. You wouldn't be wherever you are now if it was not because of your family. Family prepares you to interact with other people in order to survive in the world, while friends ARE the people whom you interact with in the world… For me, friends are like family too. The difference is just that Family is the family that God has given me without allowing me to choose who will be the member of my family. But friends are my “family” that God allows me to choose who’s going to be mine… so they both are priceless. How could I give up one thing for the other when they both have the same significant role in my life? Somebody once told me that friends will always come and go, but it’s not gonna happen if you can maintain it… as long as you can maintain the friendship that you’ve created, they will just simply stay forever in your life. I mean, how could you let go of something that is precious to you because of some silly and immature reasons? Come on…grow up kiddo..

On the other hand.. Like i said before, sometimes we get carried on with friends and forget our family. Have you ever feel like you are embarrassed to be around with your family and your friends at the same time?.. Well I felt it too… From my view, friends and family can't be put together at the same time, and I haven't figured it out why until now. However, just remember, family made you who you are now. They support you and they teach you how to affiliate and survive in the social community with different kind of people in it.. There is no reason you should be embarrassed of them. We can spend some quality times with them and appreciate them as the group of people who have known you since you were just a fetus… haha.. *exaggerate dikit*.. and take care of you.

It’s true that family has an important role in our life. It moulds us to become a person who has a characteristic that life demands. And I guess, the way we behave and interact with others will always reflect to how we have been brought up by our surroundings, especially family. It’s really interesting that some people have a different way of thinking, the way they “see” things, and interpret the things that happen in their life. For example, some people see life as a really interesting gift that God has given them, and it’s beautiful. Although sometimes it’s a bit tough, they take it as a challenge. But on the other hand, some others think that life is such a big pain in the ass that even God has worsen it by giving obstacles in life to make life even harder. The way these people think will affect their surroundings and their future. And I believe the people who are really demanding and have a high expectation in life beyond what they could possibly get are the people who don’t know how to be grateful to what they already have and they just simply will never be satisfied regarding to what they have achieved. And therefore, they will give up something precious easily because they don’t know which one is priceless and which one is worthless; giving up their friends or family for one another as an instance? *me being nasty.. =P* apropos to that, seems like they have less abilities to see life from its different perspectives. Pity.

Now, its’ your decision regarding to how you are going to balance out your family and friends in your life. Both of them have great influences in your life, and personally, I think it is best for us to keep both of them as close as possible. Friends and family are different, yet very similar in some kind of way. Friends and family will always make us feel like we’re home and we’re belong to the world. We’re not outsiders. And it’s such a delight and comfortable feeling to know that we belong to a certain community. Without one of them, it would have been like half of me is missing. Therefore, I will treasure both of them in my life. How about you? =)

Written by:
Mimi dan Pigi, November ‘07

Monday, October 8, 2007

Honesty vs. Hypocrisy

This post below has been posted before in my own space. But I want to share the points of it with you guys… hopefully it might help at some stage… =P I want to apologize for some offensive terms that I used in this post because when I wrote it, I was temporarily insane… x)

22 September 2007

I don’t know why, but I just really want to write a bit about honesty and being honest.

For me, honesty is the moral uprightness of being sincere and truthful. And there’s nothing wrong about being honest, or perhaps there is?

Yesterday one of my friends sent me a message and told me that one of his teachers had mocked him and teased him off with words. I knew how it felt like to be teased and mocked by someone who supposed to encourage you but act the other way around. But then late at night, I was thinking about it and tried to see it from the other perspective, considering about the conditions and situations, and then I thought, “Maybe what the teacher had said was true. Or maybe she was just trying to be honest.”

I mean, why should you say a good thing about something which is not good? Doesn’t that mean that you’re being a hypocrite? For me, it is important to be realistic rather than having an insincere respect of something. It’s like indirectly lying to yourself and others because you talk and behave differently. Well, I know that sometimes it’s just really hard to be honest, isn’t it? Most people would misinterpret the words that you used to express your thoughts about them. Why? Simply because some people have a really narrow way of thinking that they can only absorb everything directly without seeing it from different perspectives first. And it’s so funny that those people are demanding truthful words from others but actually indirectly asking others to be a hypocrite because they cannot accept the reality that honesty does offer them. Having said that, who’s the hypocrite here?

Talking about honesty and hypocrisy, the same happens with being modest and too modest.

Having a modest characteristic is good, but being too modest, it sucks man! From my view, being too modest is like you’re demanding to be praised. It also means that you often consider things from its bad side. Seriously, it shows that you have some kind like a big hole in you personality straight away. It’s like you want others to look at you as a pathetic and hopeless person. Why don’t you behave like any other normal person that you admit your talents and be grateful of what you have or had, and not showing off something by acting desperately humble so others would praise you? Why you have to envy others’ achievements or life conditions that theirs are way better that yours? I mean, honestly, appreciate your life, or life will not appreciate you. I got so fed up with those kinds of things since one of my friends always does that every single day. And you told me that you know something about life? Oh come on, grow up. You’re just pretending that you know it, but in fact, you know absolutely nothing about it. It becomes like a cycle that controls your life. The more you think negatively, the more you’re trapped in that cycle. Perhaps you may not realize it that you’re pulling yourself away from the good things. Well, maybe it’s just the consequence of being too-modest I suppose?

Excuse me; you cannot harvest strawberries when you’ve planted wheat, right?

Moral of the post: if you behave positively, be optimistic, and appreciate your life, all of the good things will come to you automatically. No questions asked.
any comment guys? =P