This post below has been posted before in my own space. But I want to share the points of it with you guys… hopefully it might help at some stage… =P I want to apologize for some offensive terms that I used in this post because when I wrote it, I was temporarily insane… x)
22 September 2007
I don’t know why, but I just really want to write a bit about honesty and being honest.
For me, honesty is the moral uprightness of being sincere and truthful. And there’s nothing wrong about being honest, or perhaps there is?
Yesterday one of my friends sent me a message and told me that one of his teachers had mocked him and teased him off with words. I knew how it felt like to be teased and mocked by someone who supposed to encourage you but act the other way around. But then late at night, I was thinking about it and tried to see it from the other perspective, considering about the conditions and situations, and then I thought, “Maybe what the teacher had said was true. Or maybe she was just trying to be honest.”
I mean, why should you say a good thing about something which is not good? Doesn’t that mean that you’re being a hypocrite? For me, it is important to be realistic rather than having an insincere respect of something. It’s like indirectly lying to yourself and others because you talk and behave differently. Well, I know that sometimes it’s just really hard to be honest, isn’t it? Most people would misinterpret the words that you used to express your thoughts about them. Why? Simply because some people have a really narrow way of thinking that they can only absorb everything directly without seeing it from different perspectives first. And it’s so funny that those people are demanding truthful words from others but actually indirectly asking others to be a hypocrite because they cannot accept the reality that honesty does offer them. Having said that, who’s the hypocrite here?
Talking about honesty and hypocrisy, the same happens with being modest and too modest.
Having a modest characteristic is good, but being too modest, it sucks man! From my view, being too modest is like you’re demanding to be praised. It also means that you often consider things from its bad side. Seriously, it shows that you have some kind like a big hole in you personality straight away. It’s like you want others to look at you as a pathetic and hopeless person. Why don’t you behave like any other normal person that you admit your talents and be grateful of what you have or had, and not showing off something by acting desperately humble so others would praise you? Why you have to envy others’ achievements or life conditions that theirs are way better that yours? I mean, honestly, appreciate your life, or life will not appreciate you. I got so fed up with those kinds of things since one of my friends always does that every single day. And you told me that you know something about life? Oh come on, grow up. You’re just pretending that you know it, but in fact, you know absolutely nothing about it. It becomes like a cycle that controls your life. The more you think negatively, the more you’re trapped in that cycle. Perhaps you may not realize it that you’re pulling yourself away from the good things. Well, maybe it’s just the consequence of being too-modest I suppose?
Excuse me; you cannot harvest strawberries when you’ve planted wheat, right?
Moral of the post: if you behave positively, be optimistic, and appreciate your life, all of the good things will come to you automatically. No questions asked.
22 September 2007
I don’t know why, but I just really want to write a bit about honesty and being honest.
For me, honesty is the moral uprightness of being sincere and truthful. And there’s nothing wrong about being honest, or perhaps there is?
Yesterday one of my friends sent me a message and told me that one of his teachers had mocked him and teased him off with words. I knew how it felt like to be teased and mocked by someone who supposed to encourage you but act the other way around. But then late at night, I was thinking about it and tried to see it from the other perspective, considering about the conditions and situations, and then I thought, “Maybe what the teacher had said was true. Or maybe she was just trying to be honest.”
I mean, why should you say a good thing about something which is not good? Doesn’t that mean that you’re being a hypocrite? For me, it is important to be realistic rather than having an insincere respect of something. It’s like indirectly lying to yourself and others because you talk and behave differently. Well, I know that sometimes it’s just really hard to be honest, isn’t it? Most people would misinterpret the words that you used to express your thoughts about them. Why? Simply because some people have a really narrow way of thinking that they can only absorb everything directly without seeing it from different perspectives first. And it’s so funny that those people are demanding truthful words from others but actually indirectly asking others to be a hypocrite because they cannot accept the reality that honesty does offer them. Having said that, who’s the hypocrite here?
Talking about honesty and hypocrisy, the same happens with being modest and too modest.
Having a modest characteristic is good, but being too modest, it sucks man! From my view, being too modest is like you’re demanding to be praised. It also means that you often consider things from its bad side. Seriously, it shows that you have some kind like a big hole in you personality straight away. It’s like you want others to look at you as a pathetic and hopeless person. Why don’t you behave like any other normal person that you admit your talents and be grateful of what you have or had, and not showing off something by acting desperately humble so others would praise you? Why you have to envy others’ achievements or life conditions that theirs are way better that yours? I mean, honestly, appreciate your life, or life will not appreciate you. I got so fed up with those kinds of things since one of my friends always does that every single day. And you told me that you know something about life? Oh come on, grow up. You’re just pretending that you know it, but in fact, you know absolutely nothing about it. It becomes like a cycle that controls your life. The more you think negatively, the more you’re trapped in that cycle. Perhaps you may not realize it that you’re pulling yourself away from the good things. Well, maybe it’s just the consequence of being too-modest I suppose?
Excuse me; you cannot harvest strawberries when you’ve planted wheat, right?
Moral of the post: if you behave positively, be optimistic, and appreciate your life, all of the good things will come to you automatically. No questions asked.
any comment guys? =P